Frequently Asked Questions
What does shared services look like in this centre?
- Admin office team accepts courier packages that are delivered when a tenant is not present.
- In-house copy partnerships for all tenants
- Common washrooms are on each floor, which are kept clean and sanitized. The washrooms are for use by tenants and their clients.
- Common areas, hallways and stairs are cleaned and sanitized by the Centre’s maintenance team.
- The hallways are extra large, an advantage for tenant partners needing extra space for waiting areas.
- The kitchen area is used by tenant partners to make coffee and heat lunches.
- Tenant partners receive preferred rates when renting the Kiwanis Room.
Is the Community Centre secure?
You will be assured to know that the LKCC has a recently upgraded, full security system inside and out. Interior and exterior motion sensors, alarm system, camera coverage around the perimeter of the building and throughout interior hallways, a fully lit parking lot and a code lock on the main door are all an integral part of doing our diligence for those that work or visit the Community Centre on a daily basis.
Do you have a floor plan of the building?
Yes we do! Here are all four levels of our Community Centre for your review and consideration.
Please note that the Centre is accessible with power door entries at grade and an elevator available for all four levels of the building.
We are interested in leasing a Suite, what do we do next?
Have you had a look at the available suites? If so, please send us a message via contact us or call us directly at 519.344.5543 and let us know what you are interested in. If there is an existing organization in the suite you like, you are welcome to put your name forward for a waiting list or choose a suite with immediate availability in the building (highly recommend this avenue as our tenants are happy and turnover is low). To see all available Suites click here
What is included in suite rental?
- Utilities included (heat, a/c, water, hydro, electricity)
- Connect your own wifi or talk to us about your needs
- Free parking for you, your team and your guests
- The Centre is accessible, having elevator access to all four levels
- You have the option of cleaning services by the Centre’s maintenance team
- As a partner in the Centre, you have preferred use of the Kiwanis room at a reduced rental cost.
- Secure access to the Community Centre 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week
- Sharing of resources in this community minded environment
- Rental rate is for Not for Profit, Charity or Non Profit Organization.
- No HST charged on leasing of suites
Are you non-smoking?
For your health and wellness, the entire Community Centre property, inside and out, is smoke free.
What are the current Covid-19 Protocols?
We care about our team, our tenants, your visitors and your families in this community. We are following all protocols set out by the Lambton Health Unit, and monitor daily for any changes that need to happen. Signages from Lambton Public Health are posted on all outside entrance doors and common areas within the Centre. There is thorough and continuous maintenance/cleaning of common spaces, front lounge, washrooms, door handles and exterior doors. This cleaning schedule also includes periodic fogging to reduce risk associated with COVID-19. Please visit Lambton Health Unit’s website here for all covid-19 related updates and new releases for our local community.
Is there cleaning available?
Yes, for a reasonable price, you can definitely request weekly/monthly cleaning through our administrative office. Please send an email to [email protected] to inquire about this helpful and professional service.
How to become a non-profit?
We are glad you asked! As our tenant roster is all non-profit, not for profit or charity organizations in the Community Centre, please see the document to learn more about getting the process started. We are here to help!
Download the PDF here.